5 Essential design elements for small business success

Running a small business is a busy task, and there is always something to learn or invest in next. Therefore, you look for what is required to take your business to the next level. In this article, we look at the five essential design elements for small business success.

01 Logo Design

Every business needs a logo. Whether that’s just your company name in a specific font and colour or an iconic emblem, you will need one. 

When starting, it doesn’t need to be too fancy. Your focus will to will test the viability of your business idea. However, over time you will need to invest in something that will positively represent your brand values in visual form. Something that speaks volumes about your company and what it stands for.

If you have read any of our articles before you will know that we always say ‘a logo is not a brand’. To learn more about branding, take a look at the following article: Branding beyond logo design.

02 Font & Colour Palette

There are millions of font and colour combinations available. But, which works for your business? 

Think about the style of business you have. Is it fun and quirky, formal and professional, established and traditional? The font and colours you choose should reflect this.

For marketing materials, use a font that you will have access to across all the different platforms and applications. Be that a presentation, website, headed paper or business card try to use the same font. The consistent use of fonts (weights, sizing and alignment) and colour will display the professionalism you have due to the considerations you make.

For everyday use, it’s fine to pick a standard font such as Arial to write a newsletter in Word or compose an email. Use one font consistently rather than always switching. Changing font all the time confuses and breaks the reader’s attention. Remember, the use of type is to communicate, the simpler you make it, the easier it will be.

03 Promotional Materials

Promotional materials take many forms – marketing emails, printed brochures, flyers, posters, videos and landing pages. Each different promotional material you invest in will have a different level of impact on the people who interact with it. 

For example, a well-structured brochure with great photography, printed on a quality paper stock will have a different impact than a half-page ad surrounded by lots of other ads. A quickly put together social media post verses a professionally produced video will also have another outcome.

Invest in the right promotional materials for your business and concentrate on getting them in front of the right people. If you are unsure which would suit your business or budget, get in contact today.

Take a look at this promotional brochure we recently created for one of our clients.

04 Website 

We’ve left this separate from promotional materials because websites perform so many functions. Depending on the purpose your website plays in your business will depend on the type of site you need. It could be an e-commerce shop, a blog, a portfolio or an online brochure style website. You must know the function from the outset so that it has the right features and functionality.

Your website should be an asset to your business. When was the last time you reviewed the content and made changes that reflect where you’re at on your business journey? Is it time you handed it over to an expert to handle rather than designing it yourself?

Drop us an email for a free website consultation today.

05 Shared Content

Creating quality content that others find valuable is a form of design communication. And, as a small business owner, you will need to create content that lets others know what you do and what you stand for. 

Thankfully there are many tools available for creating content. Chances are the device you are reading this article on will have that capability. To build your influence and become visible, publishing your work, ideas and showcasing expertise is essential.

You must make yourself visible to get noticed. You might have all of the other four essential design elements but, if you don’t publish or share what you know or do, how will people know you exist? A business card in your jacket pocket, a brochure in your bag and a blog post not shared, are all pointless.

Combining these elements will enable you to become more visible and known for what you do. Therefore, opening you up to new opportunities and options otherwise unavailable to your business. 

Invest in the five essential design elements for your small business success today! Connect with us on social media and let us know what stage you are at and ask us a question, we’d love to hear from you.

Got a project in mind?

Kind people who improve the world hire us to take care of their design because it’s time to level up! If you have a project, want to create a buzz for your business and are serious about having professionally designed brand identity, learning how to grow your brand, or require a website and marketing literature to communicate with your audience, get in touch!