Essential Books Vol.1: Business

Starting a business, growing a brand, getting know and becoming influential are all essential elements for entrepreneurs and business owners. If you’re looking to make a start and want to be lazy by not wasting your time on things that don’t work and learn what does from the people who know, reading a book is the place to start.

Books never run out of power, you can share them, they’re quiet and highly transportable. You can get them for free from a library, there are books on every subject imaginable and is a healthy pastime that only gets better with time. What could be better!

To make things easy, we’ve put together a selection of favourite and most impactful books for you below.

Click this link to see our growing list of essential books.

Key Person of Influence by Daniel Priestley


Company of One by Paul Jarvis

Rework by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson

24 Assets by Daniel Priestley

This is Marketing by Seth Godin