How to create better content marketing

After having countless chats about design, branding and marketing with our clients, something has become apparent. A common thread that seems to curse so many, something that sucks up all your time and leaves you with little or no results. Starting too many things, trying to do content marketing in too many places, not being efficient with time or targetted with your message

In this article, we will look at how to create better content. How to stop spreading yourself thin when attracting your ideal customers and how to be efficient with your content marketing.

The curse of marketing your own business

We witness the same old story. People saying ’email marketing is my next big thing’, ‘I need to start a blog’, ‘I’m going to conquer Instagram’ or ‘I’m starting a YouTube channel’. They all have this excitement and drive to throw themselves into it, not thinking of the time constraints ‘the thing’ they’ve decided is the answer is going to take.

It happens time and time again. A website with posts that are years old with no relevance and little valuable content. YouTube channels with 4 videos, all poorly made, no tags or description with a title that isn’t searchable. An Instagram with a month of posts, pictures of lunch, a cat, a Friday afternoon selfie and followers which don’t extend the friends and family.

The list goes on and on and we have all seen it. Why is this happening? You had all that energy, where did it go? You tried so hard for them a few weeks but it didn’t bring any results, that’s right so you moved on to something else. Then something else. Then something else. Every time, you get the same results.

Why your content marketing isn’t working

It’s pretty simple to see when you take a step back. Thing is, people are terrible at stepping back and being honest about what can be achieved in the time they have got. And, because everyone has access to social media and apps like Canva, they think ‘this content marketing thing’s a doddle, you just make graphics and post them all the time, right?’.

Sorry guys, that’s not marketing. That’s just a load of noise. And maybe it is getting someone’s attention, is it having the desired effect? Probably not. So how can you be more effective?

How to be more effective with your time and marketing

Firstly you need to understand marketing isn’t just social media. Marketing takes many forms. There is cause marketing, word of mouth, geographic marketing, seasonal marketing and the list goes on. Rather than go through every type, we will keep things simple and look at what many of us consume daily – content marketing. 

Now, take a deep breath, step back from your day-to-day grind and answer the following questions and be honest.

Question 01: Why did I start this business in the first place?

It could be that you are a fitness instructor and you want to help people with their fitness and mental health. You might be are a hypnotherapist and you have the skills to help those with anxiety or depression. You may be a yoga teacher and your sessions help others to escape, tone up or find spiritual enlightenment.

Your passion has guided you here and you choose to start a business rather than join the masses in getting a regular 9-to-5. Whatever the reason I am sure it is a good one. I’m also pretty sure it wasn’t to busy yourself with marketing or to become a busy fool.

Answering this question will help coordinate you with your true life calling, what you were put on earth to do. Within your brand, you should have a highly defined purpose. A mission. Maybe it is something in the world that you have the skills, methodology or technology to change. A north star that keeps you striving and coordinates your business.

It’s the ‘why’ behind what you do that will unlock the content you should be creating. Don’t just read this article, write your answer.

Struggling to find your brand purpose? Book a free brand consultation today.

Question 2: Who are your ideal customers?

Before you answer with the words ‘everyone’, it is very rarely the case and thinking that everyone is will always dilute your efforts when marketing. Part of finding your purpose (question 01) will identify what you do for others. A problem that you solve and a service that you are qualified to do. 

You are sitting on a mountain of value with the knowledge you’ve attained this far in life. There are a set of people who need that value and expertise out there in which you solve a meaningful problem. These are your ideal customers.

Once you’ve identified those customers, you must find out where they hang out. Do they attend conferences or networking events? What sort of media do they consume? Is it Linkedin, Facebook or YouTube, do they read blogs or printed literature. Are they local, national or international? Do they have similar likes, age or gender?

Knowing these factors before you start marketing are going to help you speak to the person directly. The one who you can solve a meaningful problem. If you’re having trouble working out who your ideal customers are, please get in touch, we have a workshop that will help you.

Start to write out a ‘customer profile’. The more specific you can be the better. When you come to start creating your content, talk about a specific problem that you and in a unique position to solve. 

For example, if you are a fitness instructor and your ideal customers are office workers, think of the common issues you see in fitness in office workers. Provide office workers with information that will help them. Tips of how to avoid a bad back or weak knees. Exercises to do at your desk. 

Speak to them directly. Niche down. Get specific about the problems you solve. Build influence by creating meaningful content. This will help your focus and save hours in the long run.

Question 03: Am I being efficient with my time?

Again, take another step back and look at how you spend each day. For many of us, we move from task to task, working all hours, fitting in family time and working into the evening to get things done. You are not alone. Running a business, being a freelancer or entrepreneur is hard and borders on complete insanity. 

Honestly, are you truly using time and technology to your advantage? Is there something that you could stop doing to free up your time to do something more meaningful? 

Here are a few ideas worth implementing:

  • Spend less time scrolling through social media
  • Outsource the task you don’t like
  • Batch things like keeping your accounts up to date
  • Opt for video meetings rather than in person
  • Only email when truly necessary 
  • Schedule your social media posts
  • Multi-purpose your content
  • Stop trying to be everywhere for everyone

If you feel like you have no time, sometimes it’s better to stop and reflect. Take stock and track your time. If you’re feeling burnt out from it all, take a break, do some exercise, get some air and have a walk. It’s not worth it, honestly. 

To summerise

  • Define your purpose
  • Identify your ‘ideal customer’
  • Create content that engages your ideal customer (not everyone)
  • Solve a meaningful problem to help them move forward
  • Add value and share what you know selflessly
  • Publish your content where your customers are specifically
  • Track and use your time and technology to your advantage
  • If it’s too much to handle, outsource and make time for you

Let us know your results or just say hi and connect with us on our socials

Attribute: Megaphone Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Got a project in mind?

Kind people who improve the world hire us to take care of their design because it’s time to level up! If you have a project, want to create a buzz for your business and are serious about having professionally designed brand identity, learning how to grow your brand, or require a website and marketing literature to communicate with your audience, get in touch!